This past Saturday, I celebrated the launch of In Case of Fireworks, Break Glass! The night began by randomly enjoying my first conveyor belt sushi experience in Little Tokyo with a few good friends. After dinner we meandered through Japanese Village Plaza and finally to the official party which started at the downtown favorite The Library Bar. Within our reserved area, we drank house brews and mixed drinks, noshed on cupcakes and appetizers, and celebrated the launch. I had to push back the party a month due to the hectic holidays and our trip to Chicago, but I truly couldn’t have asked for a better evening. It was great fun celebrating with both blogging and real life friends. One of the more special moments of the evening came while toasting my blog and afforded me the opportunity to give thanks to the two that are responsible for it.

We moved a block away to one of my most loved drinking establishments Seven Grand (best known for its Whiskey Sour and Mint Juleps, but you MUST try the Gold Rush, 2 parts honey, 3 parts lemon, 5 parts Maker’s Mark). While in the bar, we all shared responsibility of coat stashing, balloon holding, and most importantly, guarding the last box of delicious cupcakes! I was surprised at how great the turnout was. By the end of the evening, I was able to spend time with about 20 different people from various groups of friends! My good friend (and amazing hairdresser) Silvy even drove 40 minutes to buy me a drink despite her jetlag! I missed spending time with a few people that had things come up, but look forward to seeing them soon as I don’t need a whole lot of persuasion for any life celebration. ;)

Eventually, we made our way back over to Little Tokyo to do a little karaoke, where we sang classic after classic and even some real SMH stuff. It was a hilarious after-party that left us with sore throats and incriminating video footage. At the end of the night, a few of us retired to our hotel.

I really do have wonderful, supportive people as friends. When I decided to shut down my old blog and start my new journey with In Case of Fireworks, Break Glass, I knew that I wanted it to be something that I could be proud of. And boy, am I proud.

My brilliant boyfriend Mark is the creative genius behind the design and layout of this blog. He spent hours tweaking proto-types, banners, and even my gorgeous icons. I swear I fell in love with him again at least 5 times as he edited my trailer. How I am lucky enough to be able to call the most creative and talented mind I’ve ever known mine, I’ll never know.

And then there’s our friend Jon. Initially I assumed we’d hire someone to put it together, but before a design was made Mark already pictured Jon for that role. Smart, funny, patient, and with a willingness and true support that he’d give you the shirt off of his back. Jon’s skill and design input is why In Case of Fireworks is a reality.

“It was a unique experience working with Mark on this project. Mark was not only heavily invested in the design, but also keen on getting everything just-so. That almost sounds like criticism, but really it was compelling to work with someone so driven to get the design just right. I guess what I’m trying to say is that he was definitely one of the best creative directors I’ve worked with. Even with his design, the site would not have turned out as well as it did without his direction.” – Jonathan Mabe

“Between the 3 of us there were sorted lists on Google Docs, numerous meetings at Coffee Bean, and sketched diagrams reminiscent of the Eureka! napkin drawing at the bar. Lucky for me and the design grind, Jon and I work extremely well.. he’s organized in approach as well as problem-solving. A true critical thinker. Jon, honestly, if I had chosen the field you are in, I hope I could have been remotely like you. Looking at the site now I remember the hilarious visual bugs, the celebrated tiny accomplishments, source code easter eggs, and the “what if” ideas that flourished.. and that’s what I miss the most about working with Jon. In the final hours, I told Aline that I already felt nostalgic, bittersweet of the blog’s creation. It’s one thing to work and get paid to create, it’s another when payment is deposited into friendship memory accounts.” – Mark Guerrero

Thank you Mark and Jon. I am reminded every time I see the site of watching two childhood friends work together to create this little corner of the internet for me. I’ll fondly remember the fun nights in Coffee Bean and playing with the cats while talking to Jennifer about Pinterest while you two slaved away. I am forever grateful for your contribution of time, creativity, and friendship. Thank you.

Thank you everyone for your support and thank you, dear friends, for coming this past weekend to celebrate with me!! <3

PS: And if you couldn’t make it, there’s always the gallery below :-)

Photo credit: Mark, Matt, Cesar

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  1. Hi Aline! It looks like it was a fun night! Sorry I couldn’t make it, I had to wake up early the next morning. But congrats again on the launch, you all have done a great job :)

  2. i see what you did there, with jon and i haha.. there was so much monkey business mischief going on at karaoke.. we all really need to go again.

  3. Looks and sounds like an amazing time Aline. Your dress is gorgeous. Congratulations on your awesome new site, lovely place to visit!

  4. SO happy I finally met you and Mark IRL. Thank you for inviting me and let’s def. spend more time together! <3

  5. Hey Aline, I was glad to partake in the festivities. It was a fun night. The site looks awesome! Congrats!

  6. Pingback: Blog Launch Party, with a Lomo LC-A+ | The Dead Format

  7. aw, it looks like an amazing night! I totally wish I could have came! Someday, we will meet. I think I spy miss Nina there too? Jealous! :)

    And hot damn girl, you look amazing, can I have your body? :)

  8. well your blog LOOKS amazing, and i LOVE the content (and the pics!!!), so job well done to all!

    and your party looks fab too! you know how to live it up! and how to get down in a karaoke bar. lol. lol!

    p.s. how did i miss this post? d’oh! sorry for the delayed response!